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Remember that you will die


Death was omnipresent in the baroque era and found in art, jewellery, churches, as well as in every day lives. People were surrounded by transiency but simultaneously carried by deep believe and the hope to reach paradise when deceased.

Only a thin and fragile membrane is separating the living and the afterworld.

Hardly any other phase of human life is so beautifully captured in music, without the use of words, than our sensitiv and inevitable end.

Lamentos, Funeral Music and hopeful turns by Schmelzer, Locatelli and others.


6 musicians: 2 violins, viola, cello, organ, theorbo




Silhouette Artist, was the unusual and exotic job description of Lotte Reiniger. 

In 1926 she created the wonderful silent film “Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed” (The adventures of Prince Achmed) A pioneer work in visual poetry.


Lotte cut extremely fine figures from cardboard and connected their limbs with wire to give them the possibility to appear moving. Her love for detail and her endless phantasy creates a breathtaking narrative.

Klinzgeug adds baroque music and oriental soundscapes to this magical story of 1001 nights.


4-6 musicians 




4/2 is an unusual experiment in which four musicians probe the extremes of sound, culture, and chronology. In their programmes, Early Music meets Contemporary Music: historical and modern instruments are mixed and two sound worlds interact and confront each other.


The quartet performs not only on instruments of different eras, but at two different pitches simultaneously!

The audience is invited to celebrate with the musicians the inherent timelessness of music.


4 musicians: 2 violins, 2 celli




Point of interest: Bologna around 1650. Young, open minded composers revolutionise musical traditions. Instrumental music becomes more important than church music.

Gabrielli, Cazzati, Leonarda, Jacchini develop beautiful bizarr violin music and start using the low and sonor cello sound as a melody instrument. 

The programme was designed to specifically fit the showroom of the architect-community AUT in Innsbruck. The installation, where this programme was premiered, had different sloping platforms, which created an unusual and quirky concert venue. For the performer as well as for the audience. 

Does the angle of the surface we stand on change the way we hear? Does one need inconsistence in whatever direction to find something new?


4 musicians: 2 violins, cello, harpsichord/organ

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One penny to watch the insane!

That’s what you could do on a day out in London’s first madhouse Bethlam. Those, who still considered themselves sane went there to watch those, who lost their mind. 


Mad songs, which were written at the turn of the 17th to the 18th Century describe the variety and bizarrness of human psyche in the reception of its time.

Crazily delighted!




4 musicians: soprano, violin, cello, harpsichord




When Europe started to recover from the cruelties of the 30 year long war, Rosenmüller, Erlebach, Krieger and Albert composed beautiful music reflecting and commenting a strong post-war sense of the momentariness of earthly being. With a pinch of irony and a grim sense of homour the songs tell stories about death, lunacy and desire. 


The German songs will be combined with instrumental music for strings and continuo from the late 17th Century.

Whatever life you live, you can just as well give in to lust and desire!



6 musicians: soprano, 2 violins, cello, thoerbo/baroque guitar, organ

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